6 Ways to find more Presence Instead of Presents this Season

6 Ways to find more Presence Instead of Presents this Season

Presents are one of the first things that come to mind at the mention of Christmas. During this time of year, so much focus goes on giving to others. With attention drawn to finding the perfect gift, it’s easy to solely place emphasis on meeting material expectations. But what if this year we sought to find a different type of present? One that involves giving to ourselves in order to give to others. A kind that allows us to enjoy what we already have instead of getting caught up in needing more. A gift that extends far beyond a physical item.

What if this year we tried to find more presence, instead of presents?

With Christmas being a little different in the midst of a pandemic, there’s a chance that much of the external festivities won’t be going ahead. Whilst it may feel a little disappointing, it also presents plenty of opportunity to turn inward. To connect back to the true essence of Christmas; which is originally defined as a “spirit of love”. To find more gratitude, kindness and connection in a world that feels fairly isolated right now.

Here are some ways to find more presence this Christmas

Keep a Gratitude Journal

Christmas is a time to be thankful. It’s an opportunity to see all the love that exists in our lives and to truly appreciate it. In a time where we are drawn to material goods and expectations, connect back to gratitude. Write down something you are thankful for every day and you will notice how much appreciation helps you find presence. It doesn’t have to be an intimidating task, just start with something small, like enjoying your morning coffee.

Mindful Consumption

Much of the build up to Christmas is centered on gaining more. More presents, more food and more social commitments. It’s easy to feel a sense of overwhelm and as though you never quite have enough. Whilst its great to be able to give gifts at this time of year, focus on consuming those mindfully. Make it your goal to buy gifts thoughtfully and based on the true needs of the people you are giving to. This will ensure that you stay centered and grounded in your consumption.

Make time for people

With many people having some rare away from work over the Christmas holiday, use the opportunity to indulge in quality time. If you’re finding that there is less to do this season, do less with someone you care about. Pick up the phone to the people you always seem to be too busy to call, make time for that relative you always rush a visit with and even look at spending more quality time with people you see frequently.


For many, Christmas can be chaotic. It’s easy to become swept up in the festivities and lose your sense of calm. Committing to at least a few minutes meditation each day can help you to re-centre, find some presence and truly be able to appreciate it all. Plus, if you feel like you are short on time to sit down and physically meditate, try to find some space in what you are doing. If you’re wrapping gifts, cooking food or cleaning the house, take time to do it meditatively.

Eat mindfully

Overindulgence is definitely something that comes to mind at this time of year, particularly when it comes to food. Whilst it’s definitely good to treat yourself, can you be a little more present in what you are consuming? Mindfully eating can help you truly enjoy every mouthful and be grateful for all that you have. It can also allow you to be more present in your body, which creates a deeper sense of connection mentally too.

Find time for you

When you think of Christmas, giving to others is often what comes to mind. Have you ever considered that this might be a good time to give to yourself too? Inviting in some self-care, rituals and time away from commitment is something to consider this year. Presence can be something you give to yourself as much as you give to others.


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