5 Yoga Poses for Better Sleep

5 Yoga Poses for Better Sleep

Sleep is one of the most important factors for our health. Yet, the majority of us will struggle to sleep at some point in our life. Sleep is completely interwoven with our mental health – poor sleep negatively affects our mental health, and sleep is one of the first things to be disrupted when our mental health declines.

In the modern world we live in we’re constantly stimulated by technology, noise and notifications. Additionally, since the pandemic, more of us than ever now work from home which can make it even harder to have boundaries and switch off before bed.

Yoga is a powerful tool that can support a restful night’s sleep. A blend of gentle movement, meditation and pranayama (breathwork) can help calm the nervous system and shift us into parasympathetic dominance, our state of “rest and digest”. Being in a relaxed state is essential for winding down to a good night’s sleep, and yoga can help us to get there.

Below are 5 poses which a great for better sleep. I recommend holding each pose for at least 3 -5 minutes.

Child’s pose (Balasana) with block under head

Kneel on the ground and sit back onto the heels. Then lower the chest to the thighs and rest the forehead on a block. Stretch the arms behind you towards the heels, palms facing up.

Supine spinal twist (Supta Matsyendrasana)

Lie on your back with the arms stretched out to the sides. Bring the right knee into the chest, the left leg resting on the ground. Cross the right over to the left side of the mat, resting the knee down on a block or bolster. Turn the head to the right for a deeper stretch through the spine. After 3 – 5 minutes, roll onto the back and switch to the other side.

Legs-up-the-wall (Viparita Karani)

Sit on the floor facing the wall, then lower down onto your back bringing the pelvis as close to the wall was possible. Extend the legs up the wall, the feet around hip-distance apart. Rest the arms on the ground out to the sides with the palms to the ceiling.

Supported bridge pose (Setu Bandhasana)

Lie on the back with the knees bent towards the ceiling and the foot around hip width apart. As you inhale, lift the hips towards the ceiling and place a block beneath the lowest part of the spine, gently resting the pelvis down onto the block. Bring one hand to the heart and the other to the tummy, or rest the arms on the ground if this is more comfortable.

Supported fish pose (Matsyasana)

Start seated on the floor. Place a bolster lengthwise behind your back, close to the pelvis, and a block under the end of the bolster. Bring the feat together close to the pelvis and open the knees out wide (the legs can remain straight if this is more comfortable for you).
Slowly lay back on the bolster, resting your arms out resting out to the sides and palms to the ceiling.

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