Book Review: Backbone by David H Wagner

Book Review: Backbone by David H Wagner

‘Backbone: The modern man’s ultimate guide to purpose, passion and power’ is unashamedly a book for men. A book about spirituality written by a man for men, using down to earth language and everyday examples that men can identify with.

Finally, there’s a self-help book out there specifically for men.

This book is brave and refreshingly honest. The author doesn’t pull any punches when he addresses the awkward realities of ‘midlife crisis’. He doesn’t hold back in his criticism of what he believes the modern man has become in our society today.

Modern society has way too many “guys” and an urgent shortage of men.

In the book, Wagner describes a guy as ‘the half-baked, two-dimensional version of a man’. He observes how men often settle for less. For being a guy. When being a man is so much more. The modern man really needs to rediscover what it means to have purpose, passion and power – and then work out in his own life what that looks like for him. ‘Backbone’ is a book essentially about masculine energy, identity and vitality.

The author David H Wagner is a fascinating character. Not necessarily what you would expect to find in a world-renowned spiritual and meditation teacher. Find out more in our interview with the author in We caught up with David Wagner. Read his story and you’ll find he’s done the work himself. He’s not speaking out about anything he’s not struggled with in his own life. There’s an authenticity, a humbling honesty to everything that he relates.

Even before you come to open the book, the title sets the intention. Backbone. Spine. The antithesis of spineless. It couldn’t be clearer where this is going. Although the author makes it plain that it’s not about growing a backbone but finding the one that is already there: reclaiming something essential about ourselves that has been lost. And then there’s the strapline – purpose, passion and power – isn’t this what every man longs for more of in his life? The comments in the front of this book describe this guide as accessible and compelling, transformational and compassionate. Addressing the challenges that the modern man faces.

It’s relevant. And bold. And necessary at this time.

David H Wagner has taken his time. Taken the time to learn from his own life, the time to observe others, the time to talk with men from all walks of life. This guide is the culmination of many discussions with many men, a book that aims to help the modern man find his way in life.

It’s not a light book, that’s for sure. It sets out to dig deep and challenge, which can be pretty uncomfortable. ‘Backbone’ is not a book for the thin-skinned and easily offended. The author doesn’t avoid words and phrases that his readers may be uncomfortable with (he uses the word ‘bullshit’ a lot!). He’s not creating a comfortable read. He wants to challenge, to make his readers feel uncomfortable and face up to the realities of their lives as they are right now.

‘Backbone’ is all about connection. Authentic connection. Connecting to that which is inside and that which is outside. Connecting to the power and purpose that is already inside each one of us and connecting to the power and purpose of the universe. Wagner observes that often men can live life as if they’re taking a shower with a raincoat on. Desensitised to the world around them.

In general, men have so far left the personal-transformation journey up to women. Men have some catching up to do. Now is the time for us men to step up and catch up – and do it in our own way. The modern man is holding it all together, but he isn’t really happy. Not deeply happy. He’s got so good at distracting himself from what really matters and avoiding the truths that are staring him in the face.

It takes courage to look right at the heart of what’s holding us back as men. And then to do something about it. It will take courage to become your version of a deeply happy, powerful man. That’s different for everyone, of course, because we are all different. There’s nothing prescriptive here. No right way. Discover what works for you. Discover who you really are. And be that person.

Every section of the book has ideas and material, then questions and exercises to take the material deeper. There’s a Brutal Honesty section at end of each chapter, which is exactly that: Brutally honest. The author challenges you to be brutally honest with yourself. To do the work. To reflect. To write things down. He lays down challenge after challenge.

Many men in our society today have become passive. They’ve come to expect life to be easy. They need to get out of their head and into their body. Out of thinking about problems and into actually doing something about them.

This is a book for all those men out there who sometimes catch themselves thinking ‘There must be more than this’. It’s a book that some women will chose to buy for the man that she loves to encourage and challenge him to embrace the man that he was born to be.

And when you’ve read it and started the work, you’ll find yourself wanting to pass it on. You’ll be recommending it to other men in your world. This ground-breaking book could be a game-changer and start a spiritual revolution amongst us men. David Wagner calls this the Conscious Men’s Revolution.

Bring it on!

To buy your copy of ‘Backbone‘, click here.

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